
Sabtu, 03 Agustus 2013



1. “Is Rationalism Possible in the Muslim World?”  The American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences, Winter 1999, pp. 103-1282. 

“Is it Necessary to have Islamic Economics?” The Journal of Socio-Economics, Western Illinois University, USA, April 2000, pp.21-37.

3. “Socio-Economic and Political Dynamics of Ibn Khaldun” The American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences, Winter 1999, pp. 17-384. 

“Islamic Economic Thought and the New Global Economy” – a paper presented at the symposium held on 22 January 2001, as a part of the Janadriyyah celebrations organized in Riyadh by the Saudi Arabian Ministry of National Guards.

5. “The Contribution of Mawlana Mawdūdī to Islamic Economics” – a paper written for a special issue on Mawlana Mawdūdī to be published in the Muslim World, Journal of the Hartford Seminary (Harvard University).

6. “Nature and Significance of Islamic Economics”, Al-Manar (IDB), April 2004, pp. 6 – 11.7. 

“Islamic Economics: What it is and How it Developed” (EH.NET Encyclopaedia) ( chapra.Islamic).

8. “Ethics and Economics in Islam and the West” (paper presented at a Seminar organized by the Goethe, Institute, Munich, Germany, and the Dar al-Fikr, Syria, in Damascus on 21 June 2007.

9. “Global Economic Challenges and Islam”, Policy Perspectives (Institute of Policy Studies, Islamabad), Vol.3, July-December 2006, No. 2, pp. 19-41

10. “Guarantee of Satisfaction of Fundamental Needs”, a paper written for the Encyclopaedia of Islamic Economics.11. “Strategic Vision and Plan for Future Research in Islamic Economics“- 

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